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Bollyfit Active Founder Leads Community Efforts to Revitalise Crowcroft Park

The Story of Bollyfit Active and Friends of Crowcroft Park

Shamime Jan is the Founding Director of Bollyfit Active. This group aims to support local women by providing a culturally appropriate environment for them to open up, socialise, and stay active.

When the pandemic hit, the women could not meet inside but spent time walking around their local park. This was when Shamime realised how much the park needed an uplift in maintenance and care.

Friends of Crowcroft Park group

“Walking around Crowcroft Park, we noticed it was a derelict space. It wasn’t kept very well, and the grass was even bigger than us!”

Shamime then contacted the council, who explained that there hadn’t been a Friends of group for the park for over two years. This gave Shamime and other members of Bollyfit Active the idea to create their own Friends of Crowcroft Park group.

Shamime Jan

Starting the group wasn’t simple, and it took over a year for it to be officially established. Luckily, Shamime and the other members persevered, sending numerous emails to the park rangers and city council and involving their local MP before finally becoming established this year.

Shamime now operates as a stakeholder for the group and hopes to get further support to help the group apply for funds.

“I feel that the council could support the group further so they can set up more activities in the park; there are still a few barriers to overcome”.

One of the most significant events the group has held to date was its Eid Party, which brought together many families from the local community. Shazam, the group's Chair, explained the process they went through to set up their activities and how it’s brought the park back to life.

“First was the cleaning and errands, and now the Muslim Eid parties are there, all the trees are growing, and the community is happy with all the greenery; it’s a step-by-step process”.

Friends of Crowcroft Park group

Shamime also explained their hopes for the future of the space.

“They would like to apply for funds to do more things with their children there. They want to plant herbs and vegetables that they used to eat in Pakistan to create their own Pakistan in the park!”

To find out more, visit their Facebook page.

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